Comets family

Wishes don't just come true, we make them happen

It was the 20th  of April. The entire Jorvik was thrilled. Even though Mario tried his best to keep the secret, it spreaded and everyone found out. Everyone knew what was going to happen in that night. Everyone knew that a comet was going to fly over Jorvik. Grannies were baking muffins for everyone and kids were transporting blankets and pillows to the observatory.
Slowly, the sun was falling down and the moon was rising. Everyone was getting more and more excited.
Suddently, Mario saw the comet. Everyone else saw the comet. The entire island of Jorvik was watching the comet as it was dancing in the sky above Jorvik. The thing that was weird was that the comet seemed to dance closer and closer to Jorvik. But nobody was scared. They were all admiring how great it was. In just a second, the comet felt behind a mountain where nobody could see it.
When it felt, it crashed in smaller pieces. They all but one spread all around Jorvik. One piece of comet was still there. With a light explosion, the piece turned into a girl. A girl more beautiful than any oher girl in Jorvik. She wasn't just a simple girl, she was a comet! A comet on Earth that had a great future. Her name was Aria.
Aria felt so lonley without her sisters. She simply knew that the exact same thing happened to the other parts of the comet. Actually, they transformed into her sisters. Her family! She found her mission. She had to find her sisters! When she will find her sisters and the comet will be whole again, the entire world will admire them and they will accomplish great things on their way there.

If people were that fascinated by the comet itself, then the girls will be simply... stunning!

After some months of searching and work, Aria has found most of her sister and they now dance together as RIDING COMETS.

Our schedule:

MONDAY - 8.30 EET (7.30 CET) 

TUESDAY - free day 

WEDNESDAY - 8.30 EET (7.30 CET) 

THURSDAY - free day 

FRIDAY - free day 

SATURDAY - 7.30 EET (6.30 CET) 

SUNDAY - 7.30 EET (6.30 CET)